The Damara is one of the oldest sheep breeds in the world. 
It's origins are native species of northern Africa.(Egypt)

Damara sheep are an extremly hardy long legged , fat tail breed.

The fat-tails are the animals main fat storage 
a welcome source of energy during drought conditions.

Damaras have a strong flock instinct an the ewes are extremly good mothers 
leaving their young offspring never far behind.

Damaras have coloured coats (white, brown, black or any mixed colour).

Damaras do not produce wool and therefore need no sheering.
Tail docking or mulesing - one of the very controversial procedures in Merino breeding - 
is totally unnecessary and not justified in Damara sheep.

Damaras are highly resistant to common diseases and parasites; drenching is therefore not necessary. 

Damaras are extremly tolerant to heat and stress with uninterrupted 
breeding even under limited nutritional conditions.